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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hmmm, now that I think of it, no one actually reads this blog XD Tsk... anyway here I am at 5:30ish am doing what? Surfing the net, listening to my fave song of the moment and silently contradicting myself in my head. Not good when you have exams and haven't started studying at all. Biggest idiot on earth?!

Anyways, a lot has happened emotionally this week. Happy, really sad, heartbroken. It's just wow. It's wonderful yet scary that I'm feeling these... feelings O.O Why are some people so hard to understand! >:( Grrrr it makes me so mad seriously. I feel like smashing my squishy cow into pieces (I get very violent when I lack sleep). Nyeh~ I guess you can tell from my tone that I'm kinda annoyed at someone... or more than one. ($*($_@)_!*)!$#%$ Tsk! These people are constantly annoying me yet making me happy. Aahahahah. Can't live without them right now.

Sometimes I wish that this person would wake up and not hate me for doing what I did. If he only knew how much it hurt me to let go. But it's the price I have to pay I guess.

Lost the mood to blog...

feel the beat. [11:41 AM]

Tuesday, October 14, 2008



I've had a hell of a week. Still got my last assignment due later on tonight. I really am freaked out about it. Argh argh argh! They deduct marks for mistakes so u can actually get a negative mark. Which isnt good. I can't even get a zero like WTF? Well hopefully things will be fine x.x Anyhoot, I'm just posting to show I'm alive :3 Doing quite well 'cause I've grown close to a number of people so it's awesome. They're my everything right now. Oh wells, I've got business data analysis tutorial soon so cya all!

feel the beat. [9:04 PM]

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ok scrap the part where I said I'll post pics. They're just too damned embarassing. I srsly need to get a hang of myself and stop eating while I'm depressed. Gargh. I'm going through old pictures and thinking "WTF?!? I didn't have eyebags". My eyebags are like a permanent accessory. And here I am at 3:30am blogging about. Why? Because the person I rant to is offline. Damnit. DAMNIT. I've been sleeping past 4am everyday. I really need to vent, but he so doesn't need this. He's been too nice already. I've been ignoring basically everyone (excluding housemates). I finally went on MSN yesterday 'cause I felt guilty that some people were looking for me. I don't even pick up my mum's calls x.x Not on purpose really.

I gta change. I really have to do something about this. Either wait or move on. Simple as that. I HAVE TO. Just... ARGH. I'm not gonna let these people turn me into some freak. I'm not. Nope nope. And yes, I'm aware I sound crazy but gimme a break :3

I think I gta quit my gaming. It's unhealthy... I'm just using it as a distraction. Time to face reality and stop playing. It's ruining my life and studies. And I'm becoming too dependant on someone. I probably would be dead somewhere rotting if he wasnt there to talk to when I needed it.

As of today... Things are gonna be different. I've decided :) I just kinda forgot who I was between all that sh*t. Not worth my time, my breath or my tears. Yes 2008 is by far the worst year of my life. I've been down before but it never hit this low. You know what? They're not worth ruining myself. I shall move on, I promised two people that I would. And I will ^-^

Shit happens.

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feel the beat. [10:29 AM]

rock on

Dee. Dee-nahzzz. Dee-nerz. Dina. Dino. Dynamo. Piggy. Lizard. 710. Sleeps a lot. Constantly beechy. Mood swings. Emotional. Hopeless romantic. Tends to be sensitive. Shopaholic. Bookworm. Musical. A bit artistic. Damned blur. Sarcastic. Constantly bored. Nuts about arcades and games. Loves 159, hugs and hunting fer food (and eating lots:D). Listens to oldies, classical and jazz songs. Adores piyo piyo. Talks nonstop.


I want a love that will last <3

out of tune


x x x x x